At present we are trying to raise funding, to keep us online, fix our speed issues and help us move to our new platform.
As a donator you can be part of how we develop.  We are at a critical point where we need to hire some help with the
speed problems, and to be quite honest about it, I do not have the skills needed to do it all myself.  This will be a one-off
hire of a freelancer, and since we will document all changes and keep copies of the altered files, it should be a onetime expense.
Anyone can donate using Pay-Pal by clicking on the Pay-Pal link to the right or sending to or
you can choose to use your credit or debit card by clicking on the Debit / Credit card  link to the right,  it is powered by
Pay-Pal, however no account is needed. Simply click on the amount you would like to donate from the dropdown box.
UK Members (specific)
If you are in the UK, I have setup a deposit account, that you can donate to.  This account does not allow autopay (direct debits)
so I can safely publish the details and can only be used by UK members.
Name:  James Brown  
Sort Code:  07-16-60
Account Number:  65150391
United Sates Members (specific)
You can of course use Pay-Pal by using the link above, or by sending to or by credit/debit card,
again using the above link.
If you want to make an electronic donation via bank transfer, please PM me for account details as I do not want to
publish my full routing number and account number on line as auto pays could be potentially setup from this account.
Everywhere Else
You can send via Pay-Pal to or use the credit card/option above to the right, where
you can select your home country.
By sending Bitcoin to this address:  3Do5r7bjUH3Yv93GRSqsuoQbSTFqi3f1rZ
By sending Ethereum to this address:  0x464350247162C9194d5a9e92a581a8a324383031

South Subscription